Wilson's Blog

Rise, the great work must be done!


Summer placement at Fleetonomy, Israel, for 10 weeks. Working on frontend, backend, testing and database for a network application like Uber. The report is available here.

A piece of C++ coding used to build a simplified binary tree and evaluate the tree. The code is availabile here. A possible approach is recursive which differs from mine. My approach is outlined in this report.

Just for practising and gaining a better understanding of the ARM assembly language and computer architecture. The software used to emulate the execution of Assembly commands on a CPU is VisUAL.

Actually the trip was to Switzerland, Germany and Austria. We were there when it was Christmas. Awesome!

Click here for the video I made about the trip.

The following courses were completed and certificates were issued:

DEV210.2x: Intermediate C++ (Certificate available here).

DEV274x: Introduction to Python: Fundamentals (Certificate available here).

The second year project was entirely decided by the students. No topics or instructions were given by teachers. I was working with another group of students this year and we decided to build a sign language translating glove. The project’s archive could be accessed here.

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