Wilson's Blog

Rise, the great work must be done!


During October of 2019, my family went to the UK to join the Commemoration Day to celebrate my graduation from Imperial College London as an undergraduate student. The post covers day 1 to day 5 of the trip. For day 6 to day 9, please refer to this link.

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The project intends to provide a simple solution for those who wish to generate structured Verilog HDL code from a GUI and is suitable for those who just start working with FPGA and Verilog HDL.

The implementation intends to use both the rich ecosystem of JavaScript and the feature of static typing. The Electron framework is used for generating a nice GUI and the Fable compiler is used to transpile F# to JavaScript.

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Previously the contents of the website were generated locally then pushed to a GitHub repository. Now Travis CI is used to generate static files instead of the local machine.

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The HDL Editor project is an extension to my undergraduate final year project. This article serves as a table of contents for the posts on re-creating and improving the project.

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